Adult Family Foster Care Licensing 

Health and Human Services

Adult Family Foster Care Licensing

Adult Family Foster Home Providers care for adults, 18 years of age and older, who may struggle with emotional, physical or mental limitations that may benefit from assistance from a provider in a family home setting. Providers may assist with arranging additional services and care outside of the actual home, such as attending school, work, medical appointments, etc.

As an Adult Family Foster Care Provider, it is your responsibility to provide a home-like setting, care, supervision and companionship to those whom live within the home. Along with providing care within the home, the provider will assist with finding and participating in opportunities for people to do as much as possible for themselves in the community. It is most important that the family can provide a safe and nurturing environment.

To become an Adult Family Foster Home Provider:

  • At least 21 years of age
  • Live in Pine County
  • Established income to meet your own needs
  • One year past any major life changes such as a marriage, divorce, completion of chemical dependency treatment, birth of a first child or a significant loss
  • Allow us permission to check social service and court records
  • 2+ bedroom home
  • Willingness to participate in regular training

If you are interested in becoming an Adult Family Foster Care Provider or have questions, please contact Pine County Health and Human Services at 320.216.4100 and ask to speak with the Adult Family Foster Care Licensor.