Stormwater Management and Erosion Control

Planning and Zoning

Soil erosion and sediment runoff to waterways are significant problems in Minnesota. According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, approximately 30 percent of the state’s rivers and streams are impaired by sediment. Poorly managed construction sites can be substantial sediment sources to these surface waters. Pine County seeks to address these impacts by requiring:

  • carefully crafted sediment and erosion control plans designed to reduce polluted runoff;
  • implementation and updating of the plan;
  • operation and maintenance of runoff reduction measures until the site is stabilized; and
  • post-construction management plan

Development must be planned and conducted in a manner that will minimize the extent of disturbed areas, run-off velocities, erosion potential, and reduce and delay run-off volumes. Disturbed areas must be stabilized and protected as soon as possible, and facilities or methods used to retain sediment on site such as properly installed silt fence or straw bales.

When possible, leaving existing natural drainage way, wetlands, and vegetated soil surface will store, filter, and retain stormwater runoff effectively before being discharged into water ways. Native plants have an extensive root system stabilize soils to prevent erosion and absorb nutrients and stormwater effectively.

When natural features are not enough to adequately handle stormwater runoff, various of other types of constructed facilities can be used without the use of buried pipes. Examples include: shoreline buffers, rain gardens, vegetated swales, or an infiltration basin.

This section provides general information on best management practices (BMPs) during and post construction. Understanding this basic information and applying these principles in the field will reduce negative environmental impacts associated with erosion and sediment loss.

During Construction - Sediment Control and Perimeter Protection

During Construction - Erosion Prevention

Post Construction - Final Stabilization and Long-Term Stormwater Management